Research progress on energy metabolism changes in frail patients and perioperative interventions
中文关键词: 衰弱  糖代谢  脂质代谢  氨基酸代谢  围术期
英文关键词: Frailty  Glucose metabolism  Fat metabolism  Amino acid metabolism  Perioperative period
李祥婷 201199,复旦大学附属闵行医院(上海市闵行区中心医院)麻醉科  
林灵 复旦大学附属闵行医院  
史琪清 201199,复旦大学附属闵行医院(上海市闵行区中心医院)麻醉科 shiqq2016@126.com 
摘要点击次数: 238
全文下载次数: 63
      Frailty is a clinical syndrome characterized by the gradual decline of multiple organ function and the emergence of vulnerable phenotype. Patients with frailty exhibit diminished resistance to stress, which often leads to unfavorable outcomes following surgery, including cognitive decline, prolonged hospitalization, and increased rates of complications and mortality. Given that frailty is a dynamic and reversible process, it is recommended to implement appropriate optimization measures during the perioperative period in order to improve patient outcomes. Recent studies have revealed that abnormal energy metabolism plays a crucial role in the development and occurrence of frailty. This article will primarily focus on abnormalities in glucose metabolism, lipid metabolism, and amino acid metabolism among frail patients, and emphasize the significance of correcting these metabolic irregularities during the perioperative period in order to reduce complications and improving surgical safety.
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